One of the major extract of African Kolanut is Caffeine and this extract is responsible for many of its numerous acclaimed benefits to the human body, as much as kolanut has many benefits for the human body, it also has many adverse effects when consumed excessively. This caffeine works as a stimulant for the tissues of the Central Nervous System (CNS), Heart and general body muscles.
Kolanut is described not to be inimical to one’s health when consumed in the right amount orally and of course this right amount is said to be beneficial to even our Health. Some of the acclaimed benefits of the caffeine found in Kolanuts include; treatment of serious headaches, fatigue, Heart related conditions, Helps in weight loss etc. It is also described not to have any health implications on children, pregnant women and the unborn baby when consumed in the right amount.
However, many associated health risks has been linked to Kolanut when taken in excess and for a long duration of time, such health risks include; Blood dyscrasias, cardiovascular issues, anxiety, High blood pressure, osteoporosis, High intraocular pressure etc
learn more on the effects of caffeine on the human body on https://www.rxlist.com/cola_nut/supplements.htm

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